Pilgrimage to the places of Buddha. How can yoga affect a person's karma?


The issues discussed during the lecture:

  • Why is it necessary to practice yoga?
  • Why does the impact on karma occur when a person practices yoga?
  • Human Chakra system description
  • Characteristics of different chakras
  • How can the energy be wasted, considering the chakras?
  • What causes the addictions to be formed?
  • What do people call happiness?
  • Tibetian Prostrations as a way of raising the energy.
  • How to cope with taste obsessions and desires?
  • About alcohol addiction
  • Energy effects of fasting and other restrictions
  • Causes of breakdowns after fasting
  • Concentration as a way of generating energy.
  • Tests - as a new level of complexity in practice
  • How to get to the next level of self-development
  • What is a purgatory and what functions does it have?
  • What is a disease for yoga practitioners
  • Why do addictions or obsessions interfere with the practice and how to overcome it

Bodhgaya, India
March 2016

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