Yoga and family relationships. How to combine and improve

Questions discussed:
- Why some people need constant relationship change, and others prefer stability.
- A viewpoint on family relationships from the four castes perspective.
- Wind of change influence on an ordinary person and on a practitioner.
- What is the karmic connection between relatives in Kali-Yuga?
- How friends appear?
- About the importance of remembering past lives.
- How to use self-improvement systems in family life?
- Denial of the law of Karma, consequences.
- Selfishness/altruism percentage in different castes.
- A person’s choice depending on the energy.
- How brahmin's children are different from other?
- Parents’ authority and the media.
- Wife’s service to husband.
- Advantages of yoga teaching.
- What’s the danger in satisfying people’s passions?
- Teaching as a form of personal practice.
Translated and voiced by Murad Uzhakhov