The Essence of Yoga. In places the life of Buddha. Part 4

The topics covered in the lecture Along the Places of Buddha's life. Part 4 by Andrey Verba.
- The Ishvaku’s clan.
- The meeting of Buddha with Mara at the gates of the Palace in Kapilavastu.
- Material and spiritual death.
- The meeting of Buddha and king Bimbisara.
- Jataka about Disgrace of the six Brahmanical Teachers.
- Multiple realities.
- Development of the human soul.
- Actions of warriors in the modern world.
- Numerous cults of Gods in India, the hierarchy of the Gods.
- The need of moral norms.
- Is it possible to ask the Gods for anything.
Kapilavastu, India.2014.
translation and recording Olga Kalitaeva