Course for yoga teachers. After One Year


Film of the club  “Course for yoga teachers. After One Year”

Cultural Center “Aura”, July 2015

We recommend to watch the film FullHD 1920x1080.

You can also download the film in high quality by using the link “To Download” and then “Original”.

After one year  we are back again in the Cultural Center “Aura” where intensive course for yoga teachers is taking place. The heroes of  the first part of the film are now dwelling on the impact of yoga teaching on their lives. At the same time, the new heroes are also sharing their experience that confirms that anyone can practice yoga regardless their occupation and other circumstances.

This is a story about the practice of self-development that can change one’s life and fill it with new sense, as well as change the person and the world around him. This is a story about the Essence of Yoga.

To sign up to take the Course for Yoga Teachers.

Translation by: Marina Tamliani, Tatsiana Salnikova

Voicing by Tatsiana Salnikova

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