The meaning of Mantras in different styles of yoga practice. The influence of sound vibrations. D.Chudina

The lecture of the teacher of the club Daria Chudina.
- What is the sound and how it affects our body.
- The effect of music and words on the human state.
- Mantra - the practice of the deep impact on the consciousness.
- Sanskrit and the Russian language.
- What the classical yoga texts say about mantras. The place of mantrayana in Patanjali eightstaged yoga.
- Mantra and prayer - differences and similarities.
- Japa and Praise - the practice of purchasing qualities of respected power. Sacrifice through mantras.
- The impact of mantras on the subtle body and shell of the man (sharira and kosha).
- Mantra is one of the ways of nadis purification (energy channels).
- The use of mantras in different styles of yoga: Ashtanga-vinyasa yoga, Kundalini yoga, Vini yoga, Yoga nidra, Sivananda yoga, Iyengar yoga etc.
- Patanjali welcome mantra. Who is Shesha/Adishesha. Why to welcome the Teachers.
- Mantra yoga - the oldest system of self-development. The power of mantras on the example of the events of Mahabharata.
- The ways of mantras presentation: Vaikhari, Upanshu, Manasic and Likhit japa.
- Recommendations for the mantra-yoga practice.
- What is Bija-mantra.
- The OM mantra - the greatest of mantras. Mentioning about OM in the ancient texts.
- The technique of OM mantra.
- The need of beads.
- Asanas and mudras to practice mantras.
- How often should I practice the OM mantra.
- The quality of mantrayana practicing.
- Mantras to different Gods, Nature elements - how to choose a mantra for practice.
- Music in yoga - help or difficulty.
- Video contains the illustrative materials.
Moscow, 2015.
The lecture was delivered in the framework of YOGA-WAVE project.
translation and voice-over Maria Marjevscaia